
If you live in Portland, and you own a home, you may be eligible for an E-Card. All E-Cards are processed through the City of Portland Public Works Department. For information regarding your E-Card, to apply for an E-Card or to apply for a replacement card. Please call (207) 874-8801. You can also email solidwaste@portlandmaine.gov
Please note that each item will be counted toward your ten bulky item limit.. Some of the items allowed are:
- Furniture such as couches, stuffed chairs, tables, book cases, desks, matresses and box springs.
- Brush – less than 2″ in diameter (1 cubic yard = 1 bulky item)
- Gas grills, patio furniture, bicycles, yard equipment such as lawn mowers, tillers and snow blowers (fuel and oil must be removed)
- Yard waste such as leaves, grass clippings and garden waste (1 cubic yard = 1 bulky item)
Basically, if it is construction, demolition, remodeling material, or bagged mixed debris, it is NOT an E-Card item.
Freon and Non-Freon containing appliances such as refrigerators, freezers, dehumidifiers, water cooler dispensers, air conditioners, stoves, microwave ovens, washers, dryers, dishwashers, or water heaters are NOT E-Card items. Tires, propane tanks for gas grills (and even the little Coleman ones) are NOT E-Card items. Please see pricing tab for more info.
Please remember that EACH item you bring in counts as an item off of your E-Card. Three mattresses = three items. You are allowed 10 E-card items per year. (Year runs July 1 – June 30)
E-Waste / Universal Waste items such as TV’s, Computers, Monitors, Laptops, Desktop Equipment, PC Peripherals, UPS Units, Batteries (Lead Acid, Auto, Marine, Alkaline, Small Specialty) are E-Card items which count toward your ten item e-card limit.
You may need to process your transaction in two parts if part of your load is not 100% E-Card acceptable. For example, you may need to weigh your vehicle for your demolition debris, head into the yard and drop off your demolition debris, return back to the scale to weigh your vehicle to complete the first part of your transaction. The second part of your transaction will be to head back into the yard to drop off your E-Card items. Please follow guidance from the scale attendants and the transactions will go smoothly.
If you do not have a valid E-card, if you have used up all available items, or if you fail to show your E-Card to an attendant BEFORE entering the facility, you will be required to pay the appropriate fee.